Health Essentials

Its of a great importance to all humans that your health is your wealth and something we must all guard jealously. 

A lots of diseases and illnesses are beyond human or medical solution so make sure your son/daughter know his/her genotype before he/she says yes to that handsome guy or to that beautiful lady whom he/she wishes to spend the rest of his/her life with...

Genotype & It's Appropriate Suitor:

AA + AA = Excellent
AA + AS = Good
AA + SS = Fair
AS + AS = Bad
AS + SS = Very Bad
SS + SS = Extremely Bad = Sickle Cell Awareness


What’s Your Type and how common is it?

O+       1 in 3        37.4%
(Most common)

A+        1 in 3        35.7%

B+        1 in 12        8.5%

AB+     1 in 29        3.4%

O-        1 in 15        6.6%

A-        1 in 16        6.3%

B-        1 in 67        1.5%

AB-     1 in 167        .6%

Compatible Blood Types

O- can receive O-

O+ can receive O+, O-

A- can receive A-, O-

A+ can receive A+, A-, O+, O-

B- can receive B-, O-

B+ can receive B+, B-, O+, O-

AB- can receive AB-, B-, A-, O-

AB+ can receive AB+, AB-, B+, B-, A+,  A-,  O+,  O-
This is an important message researched and sent to save a life!
Your Blood group also speaks about you
🅰(+) : Good leadership.
🅰(-) : Hardworking.
🅱(+) : Can Sacrifice for others and very ambitious, tolerance.
🅱(-) : Non flexible, Selfish & Sadistic.
🅾(+) : Born to help.
🅾(-) : Narrow minded.
🆎(+) : Very difficult to understand.
🆎(-) : Sharp & Intelligent.
Be wise and choose the right spouse that compliment your blood group and genotype, don't be carried away with love to end up in regret.


 We Know how important Water is  to the body but never  knew about the Special Times one
 has to drink it.

 Do you know that Drinking Water at the Right Time Maximizes its  effectiveness on the
 Human Body?

Here are the right way and time to drink Water have it work or activate our body system..

       1.  1 Glass of Water after waking up - before sun rise will helps to activate our internal body
       2. 1 Glass of Water 30 Minutes before a Meal will help digestion.

       3.1 Glass of Water before taking a Bath will help lower your blood pressure.

       4.1 Glass of Water before going to Bed will help to avoid Stroke  or Heart Attack.

When this information gets to you please share it with friends and family especially those with aging parents or relatives to save or prolong their lives..because"Health is wealth", an African proverb said.


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